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In this guide, most of the operations should be done on the swagger API page. If you do not change port settings, it should be on http://localhost:9000/brickapi/v1/docs.

Setup User

Register User

  1. Use the API POST /brickapi/v1/auth/register to register user.

    email, password and name can be set in the request body.

      "email": "",
      "password": "string",
      "name": "string"
  2. Use the API POST /brickapi/v1/auth/cookie/login to login the registered user with cookie.

    The username is same as the email set in the last step.

Before using this, ensure that Google OAuth2 has been setup in the configuration.

Use the API GET /brickapi/v1/auth/cookie/google/authorize and it will return a json response in the format

  "authorization_url": ""

Open authorization_url in the browser and authorize with Google Account. The page will be redirected back to the FRONTEND_URL entry in configuration. By default, it is the url of the Swagger API if not set in configuration.


Use the API GET /brickapi/v1/users/me to check user is successfully registered and logined.


User can also be registered in the frontend. However, it is recommanded to use the Swagger API for convenience of debugging the setup.

Set Superuser

Use the API POST /brickapi/v1/users/init_superuser to set the current user as superuser. This API can only be called when no superuser exist in the system.

Setup Domain

Create Domain

  1. Use the API POST /brickapi/v1/domains/{domain} to create a new domain.

    domain should be set to the name of the domain.

  2. Use the API GET /brickapi/v1/domains/{domain}/init to init the domain.

    domain should be set to the name set in step 1.

  3. Use the API GET /brickapi/v1/domains/{domain}/upload to upload a .ttl file.

    An example file center_hall.ttl can be found in projects/sbos-playground/examples/data/.


The uploaded brick schema can be examined in the GraphDB GUI. By default,

Add User to Domain

Use the API POST /brickapi/v1/domains/{domain}/users/{user} to add a user to a domain.

domain should be set to the domain name.

user should be set to the email of the user.

Create User Profile

Use the API POST /brickapi/v1/profiles/ to create a user profile.


Request Body
  "name": "profile1",
  "read": "SELECT ?p WHERE {{ ?e brick:feeds {room} . ?e brick:hasPoint ?p . ?p a ?o . FILTER (?o IN (brick:Temperature_Sensor, brick:Occupancy_Sensor, brick:On_Off_Command, brick:CO2_Sensor, brick:Warm_Cool_Adjust_Sensor)) }}",
  "write": "SELECT ?p WHERE {{ ?e brick:feeds {room} . ?p brick:isPointOf ?e . ?p a brick:Warm_Cool_Adjust_Sensor .}}",
  "arguments": {
    "room": "brick:Room"

A profile "profile1" will be created. The API will return

Response Body
  "errorCode": "Success",
  "errorMessage": "",
  "showType": 0,
  "data": {
    "id": "<ObjectId>",
    "name": "profile1",
    "read": "SELECT ?p WHERE {{ ?e brick:feeds {room} . ?e brick:hasPoint ?p . ?p a ?o . FILTER (?o IN (brick:Temperature_Sensor, brick:Occupancy_Sensor, brick:On_Off_Command, brick:CO2_Sensor, brick:Warm_Cool_Adjust_Sensor)) }}",
    "write": "SELECT ?p WHERE {{ ?e brick:feeds {room} . ?p brick:isPointOf ?e . ?p a brick:Warm_Cool_Adjust_Sensor .}}",
    "arguments": {
      "room": "brick:Room"

Note that a profile is identified by its id (ObjectId), not by its name because there may exist duplicate profile names in the system.


Currently, user profiles are shared among domains. It may be changed in future updates.

Assign Profile to User

Use the API POST /brickapi/v1/domains/{domain}/users/{user}/profiles to assign a user profile to a domain user.


Request Body
  "profile": "<ObjectId>",
  "arguments": {
    "room": "Center_Hall:101"

Remember to use the profile id created in the last step.

Setup App

Create App

Use the API POST /brickapi/v1/apps to create an app.


Request Body
  "name": "genie",
  "description": ""

An app "genie" will be created.

Upload App Data

Use the API POST /brickapi/v1/apps/{app}/submit to submit frontend, backend, permission profile and permission model of an app.


Form Argument Value
frontend_file An archive (zip, tar) of the frontend files
backend_file An archive (zip, tar) of the backend files
permission_profile_read SELECT ?p WHERE {{ ?e brick:feeds {room} . ?e brick:hasPoint ?p . ?p a ?o . FILTER (?o IN (brick:Temperature_Sensor, brick:Occupancy_Sensor, brick:CO2_Sensor, brick:Warm_Cool_Adjust_Sensor)) }}
permission_profile_write SELECT ?p WHERE {{ ?e brick:feeds {room} . ?e brick:hasPoint ?p . ?p a ?o . FILTER (?o IN (brick:On_Off_Command, brick:Warm_Cool_Adjust_Sensor)) }}
permission_profile_arguments {"room": "brick:Room", "sensor": "brick:Temperature_Sensor", "setpoint": "brick:Temperature_Setpoint"}
permission_model intersection

Approve App

An app need to be approved before it can be installed by users.

Use the API POST /brickapi/v1/apps/{app}/approve to approve it.

Build App (by Docker)

The backend files of an app submitted before should contain a Dockerfile.

Use the API /brickapi/v1/apps/{app}/build to build the app backend with the Dockerfile.

Please wait for a while because it takes some time to build the docker image.


A detailed build log is returned by the API. It can be used to verify whether the build succedded.

Add App to Domain

Use the API POST /brickapi/v1/domains/{domain}/apps/{app} to approve the app in a domain (usually this step is done by a domain admin).


Use the API GET /brickapi/v1/domains/{domain}/apps to list all approved apps in a domain and find whether the app is successfully added.

Use App

Install App

Use the API POST /brickapi/v1/users/domains/{domain}/apps/{app} to install an app for a user.

Set App Arguments

Use the API /brickapi/v1/users/domains/{domain}/apps/{app} to set the arguments of an app for a user.


Request Body
  "room": "Center_Hall:101",
  "sensor": "Center_Hall:AH-6.RA-T",
  "setpoint": "Center_Hall:AH-6.EFFHTG-SP"

Start App

Use the API POST /brickapi/v1/users/domains/{domain}/apps/{app}/start to start an app for a user.

A container named sbos-playground-<app>-<user>-<id> will be created and started. It should be listed in the docker ps command.